
Web-launch of the first consumer underwater drone.


Serving as a digital diving mask, Blueye allows anyone to freely explore the ocean’s hidden depths on their smartphone or tablet and then share high-quality videos of their underwater adventures online with a cinematic experience made by the world’s first ocean drone for consumers. The service also benefits ship manufacturers, who can now perform safety checks in a safer manner and without the expense of underwater inspections.

The Challenge

Blueye wanted to tell the story of its first product, the Pioneer underwater drone, and publish the pre-reservation campaign in a responsive, friendly and engaging website.

The whole story had to be explained in a single-page hotsite for the public, and simply detail a product that is the first of its kind in the market. This includes overviews of how Blueye works, its main features, what comes in the box and the reservation offer.

The Challenge

Alice is a set of tools that is used throughout all departments of the company, from sales to accounting. Each tool is seen as separate product that shares components and functionalities with others in the platform ecosystem. Designing solutions for the platform requires a holistic perspective of the functions and a special care with the design system.

With the sudden growth of Loadsmart, several products had to be scaled for larger operations while new and smarter solutions designed from scratch and added to the platform.

My Role

The project evolved from an initial idea to an ambitious goal towards the end of 2016. To make it viable for a holiday release, I worked together with a branding specialist and a front-end developer to design and deliver the website within 4 weeks from its inception..

While creating the structure and usability components of the site, I consulted with branding experts and iterated with front-end developers simultaneously to make the construction of the site as swift as possible.


After a desk research of similar product releases, we divided the structure of the site into 4 sections: an above fold showing the offer, a video and a short product description; a below fold with features and technical details; scroll functions to offer details; and a footer hyerlinking Blueyes’ newsletter and sitemap.



Presenting a brand new product to the market is a privilege to any designer. Concomitant to that was the opportunity to work with talented people as a team; together, we were able to execute this product during a highly compressed timeframe. The website has changed and has evolved significantly since its initial launch, but still holds the same structure designed by our team.

Since this release, Blueye collected many innovation prizes and was mentioned in the biggest media channels (The New York Times, CBS, Discovery, Forbes and others). Together with Eggs Design, it also won the DOGA Award 2017 for best Design and Architecture.


Presenting a brand new product to the market is a privilege to any designer. As was the privilege of working with talented people that were able to make this happen with the tight schedule. The website has changed end evolved a lot since its first launch, but still holds the same structure designed by our team.

Since this release, Blueye collected many innovation prizes and was mentioned in the biggest media channels (The New York Times, CBS, Discovery, Forbes and others). Together with Eggs Design, it also won the DOGA Award 2017 for best Design and Architecture.

Other Projects

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